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Fort Collins, CO USA - June 29-July 3, 2025
at Colorado State University
IPGSA Conference 2025

International Plant Growth Substances Association
June 29 to July 3, 2025
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Invited Speakers:
Silver Medalists

Caren Chang (US)
Eva Benkova (AT)

Roberto Solano (ES)
Plenary Speakers
Hormone Metabolism and Transport: Kaori Yoneyama (JP), Claus Schwechheimer (DE), Jenny Russinova (BE)
Peptides and Other Growth Substances: Yoshikatsu Matsubayashi (JP), Zack Nimchuk (US), Julia Santiago (CH)
Growth Regulators and Agriculture: Ana Cano-Delgado (ES), Salim Al Balili (SA), Lars Ostergaard (UK)
Hormones and Development: Dolf Weijers (NL), Annis Richardson (UK), Joe Kieber (US)
Hormones and Abiotic or Biotic Interactions: Christa Testerink (NL), Uta Paszkowski (UK), Xander Jones (UK)
Hormone Perception and Signaling: David Nelson (US), Alica Cheung (US), Diwaker Shukla (US)
Concurrent Sessions (talks will be chosen from abstracts)
Hormone Metabolism A
Hormone Metabolism B
Hormone Perception
Hormone Signaling
Hormone Interactions
Peptides and Development
Peptides and Immunity
Other Growth Substances
Distal Signaling and Transport
Evolution and Diversity
Hormones and the Environment
Abiotic Stress Signaling
Pathogenic Biotic Interactions
Beneficial Biotic Interactions
Flowering and Reproductive Development
Vegetative Development
Chemical and Synthetic Biology
Hormones and Agriculture
Organizing Committee:
Cris Argueso, co-chair (Colorado State U., USA)
Mark Estelle, co-chair (UCSD, USA)
Eva Benkova (IST Austria)
Stefan de Folter (Cinvesta, Mexico)
Debora Gasperini (Halle, Germany)
Hongwei Guo (SUSTech, China)
Satoko Yoshida (NAIST, Japan)
IPGSA Council:
Ildoo Hwang, President (Korea)
Mark Estelle, past-President (USA)
Brad Binder (USA)
Junko Kyozuka (Japan)
Yoshikatsu Matsubayashi (Japan)
Jennifer Nemhauser (USA)
Jenny Russinova (Belgium)
Anna Stepanova (USA)
Dolf Weijers (Netherlands)
Contact us:
Follow us on bsky (BlueSky social media platform that is replacing X)

Maroon Bells
Aspen, CO

Garden of the Gods
Colorado Springs, CO
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